first thing we do is go to and click on the sell button, we have to enter our ebay username and password, Next we click on "browse categories", remember to pick categories that deliver the most sales. Ofcourse you may not know first hand about the most popular category but that is the reason why you need to experiment and see which category works best for your auction.
For the sake of today's lesson I am going through the exact steps as being described, I picked collectibiles>Disneyana>vintage(pre 1968)>Comics, Next press enter and ebay will ask you if you want to add a second category. If you have a expensive item that is worth lots of money then it is worth listing it in 2 categories, many antique sellers seem to do this.
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I chose no for the second category,Next ebay asks us to enter a title for our auction, remember that we need to use a title that has keywords that people use to search for their products. Since I am selling comics my ebay title shall be " Vintage Batman and Robbin comic vol 1",
the keywords in this title are picked for specific Batman and Robbin comic fans, use keywords that are as close as possible to the searches. You can use a subtitle too, a subtitle is the information that appears use our auction listing and it gives more information about our auction, using a subtitle works well and man do use it.
Next we are going to add a picture for our auction, You should click on the gallery picture section if your item has good value, having a picture in the gallery basically shows your auction and a picture of the item when someone searches for your auction, auctions with no pictures usually get less bids and don't make as much money.
I chose the gallery option and then clicked on the add pictures button, ebay gives us three option and I chose the easy one which was basic, then I clicked on the browse button to find the picture i wanted to add,after finding an image that was on my desktop I pressed the Upload Pictures button.
Next ebay asks us what condition our product is in, Since the item was not new I didnt click on the new button, Now we get the do box that asks us to add the description for our product, Make sure to describe your product as best as you can.
If your product has any weakness be honest with the buyers and tell them that there is a scratch somewhere and avoid any future problems, if you are upfront then your sales will soar due to honesty.
Next comes the Ebay selling format section, it asks us about the starting price of our auction, the whole point of ebay auctions is to get bids and if you start with a very high price then you won't get much bids.
Many sellers list their auction for $1 and then see the bids come alive and eventually there is a bidding war, a bidding war usually happens 10 minutes to 1 hour before the auction ends, I was selling computer equipment before and the bids went from $500 to $900 in less than 5 minutes.
If you have a real expensive item you can start your bid at $1 and use an ebay "Reserve Price" as well, a reserve price basically means that unless the auction meets your minimum price for sale then the auction will not sell, this is a combo that is used when the starting price starts at $1.
You have a choice to use the buy it now section, if you want to sell your item quickly and don't want to wait for the 3,5,7,10 days then use buy it now.
I believe that you have to have a certain amount of feedbacks to be able to use buy it now section, do read ebay rules for further information.
Next it asks us for the number of quantities we want to sell, if you have Tons of items lets say 500 cds, then your going to have to used a dutch system or fixed auction, basically all the buyers pay the same price for each auction, no one competes with eachother.
Next section wants to know when to start the auction, you have a choice of scheduling your auction start for an extra .10 fee.
Next section is about payment methods, since I use paypal I have that checked and your paypal email address has to be entered in there, you can also accept money order and a personal check.
Next section is the shipping section, be very upfront about your shipping policy with your buyers, misunderstanding about S/H has resulted in many negative feedbacks and lots of mistrust before.
One golden rule is to not ripoff your buyers buy charging ultra high shipping rates, lots of sellers do this to make extra money but at the end they lose their customers for that extra buck.
Next section is about sales tax, if you plan to charge sales tax then enter that information there.
Next section is about your return policy, if you are able to give back the cutomer's money then you can sell more of your stuff on ebay, having a return policy builds trust. Basically if you are selling expensive dishes & china sets then offer your customer a return policy if the item is broken, but do becareful with this, some buyers do take advantage of the situation with return policies.
After pressing continue then ebay will ask us if we want some extra option(s) that will give our ebay auction more exposure, the only option that might come in handy is the "Featured plus" option if our product is worth 1000s of dollar and then go ahead and add this option which costs $19.95 extra.
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That option will give tons of exposure to our auction and the bids and profits should be much better too. Since I didn't use any extra options i just clicked on
"List your item" at the bottom of the screen and there you go we have listed our ebay auction.
Selling more of your stuff on ebay requires that you use a good listing technique and your sales will improve and your business will grow!
Wish You the very best,
Bea's Business & Fun Marketing
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